The Malta Independent 4 June 2024, Tuesday
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PN says Parliament should be convened urgently to discuss benefits fraud

Sunday, 10 September 2023, 09:34 Last update: about 10 months ago

The Nationalist Party is seeking to have Parliament convened for an urgent discussion on the benefits fraud, a scandal that has rocked the foundation of the government.

In a statement on Sunday, the PN said that the Leader of the Opposition has written to the Speaker for Parliament to meet on Monday.

Parliament is currently observing as long summer recess and is set to meet on 2 October.


The PN said that a “crisis” has hit the country after it has been revealed that people were receiving benefits for disabilities they did not have. This abuse is all in favour of the Labour Party and against the interests of the Maltese people in general.

This is an unprecedented situation, Bernard Grech said in his letter to the Speaker.

The latest revelations are an indication that the racket was coordinated from Castille, the Prime Minister’s office.

The Sunday Times today interviews a man who received illicit disability money, saying that a Labour Party canvasser and a former minister’s aid lured him into the benefits fraud scheme, in return for a vote and a kickback amounting to a year’s worth of benefits.

Last week, it was revealed that some 800 people were receiving benefits for which they were not entitled. Former MP Silvio Grixti has been implacted in the scandal, having allegedly provided documents for people to receive these benefits.

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