The Malta Independent 19 February 2025, Wednesday
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Tarmac near Zurrieq square dug up two days after it is laid

Friday, 19 April 2024, 12:22 Last update: about 11 months ago

Freshly laid tarmac near the Zurrieq square was dug up by contractors just two days after it was laid as roadworks around the town centre continue.

The works were highlighted by the Nationalist Party’s Zurrieq branch on Facebook on Thursday, as it shared a picture of an excavator digging its way through tarmac which was clearly not laid long before.

“You have to see it to believe it! Two days ago they tarmacked the square.  Today they’re digging it up again! Incredible! Get out of here because you’ve annoyed everyone,” the PN’s Zurrieq branch said.


Zurrieq mayor Rita Grima meanwhile took to her own Facebook page to have her say on the works.

Sharing the same picture of the works, she confirmed that the tarmac had been laid two days prior, and said that she was “informed by technical persons that have closely followed the various phases of works that what we are seeing today involves work related to services which touch the surface, including levelling out drainage covers, before the final layer of asphalt is laid.”

Why these services could not be done prior to the first layer of asphalt being laid, and why an excavator was digging up the said asphalt was not explained.

Grima said: “We all know how the square serves us for much-loved activities, including feasts, which have their own fixed infrastructure here.  We appreciate your patience for us to have a better suited square.”

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