The government has a “corrupt roadmap” that had the intent of taking over the Labour Party before moving onto the people’s assets, which it has no intent of changing, Opposition Leader Bernard Grech said in his first address in 2025. He continued that as things stand, the situation in the Labour Party looks bleak.
Grech said that even after three legislatures, the Labour government has no intention of changing its “corrupt roadmap” that said, he noted that since the government’s intentions were never built on good will, it can never change. In sum, “The roadmap was designed to annex the Labour party and then take over the people’s assets. There isn’t even a shred of hope that things in the Labour Party will get better,” he said.
Grech said that under a Labour government, the saying should go, “new year, new scandal”, making reference to the recent Justyne Caruana payment scandal, and pointed out that the Labour government pays people to keep them “happy” and quiet rather than because they are capable. On one hand, he said that the PN takes no pleasure in such frequent scandals, however, “The PN can’t not speak about corruption since the people pay for it, and we remain focused on the people’s rights. The PN believes its job is to offer the Maltese people the future they need, whilst others are preoccupied with cover-ups.
“When PN criticises the government, it calls us negative. But those who are truly negative are those who steal the people’s money and drain their quality of life on the daily,” Grech said and said that the Labour government is incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong. He continued in saying that true quality is “not in slogans but in decisions and good will” and that things are taking so long, such as the Gozo sports complex which has been in limbo for 15 years, because the government is “stuck in corruption.”
Grech went on to point out that the government is continually being exposed, to the extent of legal proceedings being taken against its former officials, because of the PN since it believes that, “The fight against corruption, which is destroying the future of so many families apart from Malta’s reputation, is a win for the country,” he said.
Grech demonstrated this in reminding that the PN had been lobbying for contracts, such as that of ElectroGas, to be published for 15 years and in the case of ElectroGas would face much resistance due to alleged “commercially sensitive information.” He said that when the contract finally was published, it was heavily censored and claimed that this was because the government knew it was doing wrong.
Grech noted how, currently, the government is doing everything in its power to cover up and obscure the investigation into the ElectroGas contract by the Public Accounts Committee in parliament due to the leadership of Prime Minister Robert Abela who is bound by his “devil’s pact.” The courts confirmed “black on white” that ElectroGas is a “monument to corruption”, he said and addressed Abela directly in saying that if he truly wishes to be credible he must order the publication of the inquiry in totum.
Grech concluded in saying that the PN will keep on fighting for the truth and that though it hurts, it will “set the people free” since the consequences of corruption is felt by the people.