The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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Exercise good for brain, even for those with Alzheimer's

Tuesday, 28 July 2015, 16:49 Last update: about 10 years ago

Exercise may do more than keep a healthy brain fit: New research suggests working up a good sweat may also offer some help once memory starts to slide- and even improve life for people with...

Europe approves Amgen's first-in-class cholesterol drug

Monday, 27 July 2015, 16:47 Last update: about 10 years ago

Amgen on Tuesday received European approval for its first-of-a-kind cholesterol drug that lowers levels of the artery-clogging substance more than older drugs that have been prescribed for...

US doctors perform world's first skull-scalp transplant

Friday, 24 July 2015, 16:09 Last update: about 10 years ago

Texas doctors have done the world's first partial skull and scalp transplant to help a man who suffered a large head wound from cancer treatment, opening a new frontier in transplant...

US Army study: suicide attempts most common in new soldiers

Thursday, 23 July 2015, 16:05 Last update: about 10 years ago

War-time suicide attempts in the U.S. Army are most common in newer enlisted soldiers who have not been deployed, while officers are less likely to try to end their lives. At both levels, attempts are...

Study: Silent cancer in moms a rare result in prenatal tests

Wednesday, 22 July 2015, 16:04 Last update: about 10 years ago

For pregnant women, abnormal results from certain prenatal tests may signal that something is wrong - with the moms-to-be, not the fetus, a preliminary study suggests. Very rarely, these results...

Doctors warn against dangers of skinny jeans: Don't squat

Tuesday, 21 July 2015, 16:03 Last update: about 10 years ago

Doctors in Australia report that a 35-year-old woman was hospitalized for four days after experiencing muscle damage, swelling, and nerve blockages in her legs after squatting for several hours while...

emCare showcases SCOPE at Saħħtek event

Monday, 20 July 2015, 19:19 Last update: about 10 years ago

emCare recently showcased one of its health and care solutions, SCOPE at an event organised by Atlas Insurance as part of its sponsorship of Saħħtek: The University of Malta Health and...

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