The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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Pullicino Calls for public apology

Malta Independent Friday, 30 September 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 20 years ago

Rural Affairs and Environment Minister George Pullicino has called on the secretary of Front Kontra l-Impjant ta’ Sant’ Antnin, Joe Sant, to issue a public apology.

In a letter, Minister Pullicino said Mr Sant had only quoted part of his reply to a parliamentary question during a recording of the television programme Vici Versa.

Mr Pullicino said that in so doing, Mr Sant had given a different picture of the situation.

He added that, according to his reply of 3 May 2005, 71,000 tonnes of waste will be treated at the plant when it is modernised.

The minister said the picture given to the public did not reflect the truth. This was part of a strategy to undermine plans to start work on the plant’s upgrade and to lose out on s17 million in funds from the EU.

He called on Mr Sant to make a public apology.

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