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Kate Gonzi: What they say about her

Malta Independent Monday, 2 December 2013, 15:04 Last update: about 11 years ago

President Dr George Abela considers her to be ‘an asset to the nation’; Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat recognises her ability to observe, analyse and communicate; Auxiliary Bishop Mons Charles Scicluna appreciates the value she assigns to life and the family; Cherie Blair CBE considers her ‘a friend’ and Peppi Azzopardi would nominate her for President of the Republic.

‘Kate Gonzi: From the Heart’ is a collection of over 90 essays written by people from different walks of life who share their experience of knowing Kate Gonzi.The protagonist ‘herself’ highlights aspects of the turbulent times during the last legislature, and how they affected her and her family. “The period following the 2008 election was the most challenging. On the 9th March 2008, the day after the general election trouble started brewing from within. I instinctively knew it was going to be a long haul,” she reveals during an exclusive interview carried out for this publication. The Libya crisis, she explains, was the most fearful event – “I knew that being so close to Libya we were in potential danger”.

It was 25 years ago when Kate Gonzi first entered the political phase of her journey, supporting her husband, Lawrence. Since then she has been a central figure as his wife and left her mark wherever she went. Her humble yet strong ways are some of the characteristics that have drawn so many people towards her.

‘From the Heart’ depicts a clear picture of Kate Gonzi; a Maltese woman and wife to Malta’s former Prime Minister, who hailed from a small village, successfully traveled and gave her all to a political life. To Kate Gonzi, every challenge was an opportunity. The impact she left on those who met her was deep. Her dedication towards those in need, and vulnerable was remarkable.

Difficult times never hindered her as she continued to fulfill what she believed was her duty - she always found the strength to move on. Her unfailing word of hope and encouragement for each and everyone who met her over the years was significant.

Kate Gonzi made a difference.

Contributors to this publication include H.E. The President of Malta, the Prime Minister, Auxiliary Bishop, the Leader of the Opposition, foreign personalities including Cherie Blair, representatives of NGOs, journalists, singers, authors,  artists and otherpeople whose paths Kate Gonzi happened to cross.  All the proceeds from this book, the publication of which has been fully sponsored by Midsea Books, will go to local mental health charities.

'Kate Gonzi: From the Heart’ will be launched at the Radisson SAS St Julian’s on Wednesday 11 December 2013 under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency Dr George Abela, President of Malta.  Mrs Gonzi will be signing copies of the publication at Kempinsky Hotel San Lawrenz Gozo on Saturday 14 December at 11h30 and Agenda Bookshop at The Point, on Tuesday, 17 December at 1600hrs.

Copies of the publication may be reserved on [email protected]


Kate Gonzi: From the Heart:

Quoting some of the contributors:

President George Abela: “Kate Gonzi has been, and continues to be a huge asset .... to the nation she so loves.”

Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat: “Nemmen li huwa fin-natural taghha li tosserva, tanalizza u tikkomunika...”

Bishop Charles J. Scicluna: “On meeting Kate Gonzi, you feel that you are in the presence of a person who appreciates the sacredness of life and values the beauty of married life and of the family.”

Dr Simon Busuttil: “Kate hi persuna pozittiva li ma hallietx il-hajja pubblika tbiddilha.  Bil-kontra, uzat l-istejjer u l-esperjenzi li qasmet man-nies biex taghmel bidliet zghar izda mportanti fil-politika Maltija.”

Dr Lawrence Gonzi, and her children David, Mikela and Paul: “... to us ‘Kate’ – or as we casually put it, Katerin – is primarily a loving mother, a friend and a dear wife, and as of late, also a most exquisite nanna.”

Peppi Azzopardi: “Kieku kelli xi sehem mid-decizjoni ta’ min isir President ta’ Malta kont ninnomina lil Kate Gonzi.”

Fotini Papadopoulous, wife of the former President of Cyprus: “I was highly impressed by this positive, cultivated, refined active lady who was able to discuss any subject.”

Kevin u Rita Vella, persuni b’dizabilita: “Wara l-kors kienet tinzel lura d-dar maghna, bl-istess trasport.  Konna sorprizi meta darba qalulna li dik is-sinjura kient il-mara tal-Ministru tal-Politika Socjali”.

Cherie Blair CBE: “Kate has great warmth and a generous sense of hospitality ... we have become friends.”

Trevor Zahra: “Mhux facli tibqa’ umli meta jkollok il-kameras iffukati fuqek; meta kulhadd irid jintervistak, meta l-hajja tibda tlaqqghek ma l-aktar irjus kbar tal-mument... Nazzarda nghid li ghal Kate dan kien facli.... ghax ma tafx tkun mod iehor.”

Dr Gianluca Bezzina: “For Kate Gonzi, it seems that there is always a ‘tomorrow’. She lives with the comfort that whatever may have gone wrong, tomorrow is another day bringing fresh challenges but also renewed joy.”

Ira Losco: “I especially treasured how she would always seek me out after a production, congratulate me and urge me to take my singing serviouly.  It’s amazing how a continuous pat on the back ... can make a difference to a child...”

La Barokka: “At the time I used to work for One TV, I appreciated the fact that she approached me with such warmth, knowing full well that there would be times when my work would somehow clash with what they stood for...”

Joe Camilleri, Chairperson, KNPD : “... xi kultant kienet kwazi invizibbli fil-hajja pubblika.  Imma bil-kalma, bit-tbissima u bid-determinazzjoni taghha seqet hafna qlub u ghamlet... hafna gid.”

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