The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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PM orders Health Minister to remove hospital tent

Malta Independent Friday, 10 January 2014, 17:45 Last update: about 11 years ago

Updated at 5.45pm

The Prime Minister has ordered the removal of the tent that was being constructed outside the day care surgery area.

The tent and marquee was to be used as a reception area for patients, while the reception area inside the building was to be converted into a treatment room if the need arose.

The Prime Minister was unaware that such a decision had been taken by the Health Ministry and ordered its removal.

He confirmed directly with The Malta Independent that the Health Minister's decision had been reversed.

The decision came after the move sparked protests from the MUMN ( as well as derision on the social network, with people comparing it to a circus and jokingly suggesting that it should be used for political activities on Sunday mornings.

The Nationalist Party also described it as "insensitive and undignified".



The Mater Dei hospital day care unit reception is currently being moved outdoors under a marquee for a temporary period of two months so that the area in question will serve as a treatment room if the need arises.

A ministry official told The Malta Independent online that this measure is a positive one since the ministry was being proactive, especially at a time of the year when many patients are admitted to hospital due to the flu.

“We are acting proactively to deal with the influx of patients,” a ministry spokesman said.

The tent will be used only when the hospital faces an influx of patients; on calmer days it won't be used.


Members of the media prevented from filming, taking pictures of tent

Mater Dei security officials tried to prevent members of the media from filming or taking pictures this afternoon of the marquee in question which has been placed outside the day care unit reception.

A security official was heard saying that "we have been waiting for the tent for 25 years".


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