The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Migrants’ disorder at Hal Far Barracks

Malta Independent Tuesday, 25 February 2014, 13:35 Last update: about 11 years ago

Adds clarification by the Home Affairs Ministry.

A violent riot broke out this afternoon in the Hal Far Detention Centre during a visit by four members of Parliament. The riot was quelled after several police officers wearing riot gear stormed the building and arrested the trouble makers. Journalists reporting from outside the wire could hear gunshots and tasers being used after the police entered the building.

Mps Deborah Schembri, Marlene Pullicino, Claudette Buttigieg and Jason Azzopardi were on a fact-finding mission inside the compound when trouble broke out. The MPs heard furniture being broken as they were escorted outside by police.

When reporters arrived on site at around 1pm several police officers in full riot gear were standing by a few metres from the outermost building block and some 10 male migrants were standing outside the building, chanting and blowing a whistle. At least two of them were seen holding what looked like wooden sticks or metal rods.

Some minutes later the police moved in and stormed the building. At this point many people could be heard shouting and screaming inside the building. Officers were heard yelling “get down” and “nobody move” whilst one migrant woman was heard shouting “f**k you” over and over again. Another migrant shouted “Malta zibel.”

At least two police members, who did not enter the building, were carrying shotguns and some shots were heard. In a statement the Home Affairs Ministry said that rubber pellets had been fired as warning shots and the situation was brought under control after the shots were fired. No shots were fired at any migrants or windows, the Ministry insisted. 

The situation was brought under control in a few short minutes and the police officers came out of the building, having arrested the ring leaders. An unconscious migrant was taken to hospital by ambulance. According to the Home Affairs Ministry the migrant had fainted and no one else was hurt.

One migrant, who did not seem to be involved in the riot, called out to journalists from a top-floor window. “There is no democracy in Malta. I have been here for more than six months.” Another was heard saying that he wanted to go back to Somalia. 

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