The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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PN ready to postpone Parliament holidays to debate Farrugia Sacco impeachment motion; minister replies

Malta Independent Wednesday, 23 July 2014, 18:34 Last update: about 11 years ago

Justice Minister Owen Bonnici is trying to insult the people’s intelligence when he says he hopes there is time for Parliament to debate the impeachment motion against Mr Justice Lino Farrugia Sacco before he retires in a month’s time, the Nationalist Party said in a statement.

Making reference to comments given by Dr Bonnici to The Malta Independent, the PN said no one can believe the minister when Parliament will adjourn for the summer on Friday and Farrugia Sacco will retire on 22 August.

If Dr Bonnici wants to be taken seriously, he should proceed with the impeachment motion in Parliament now. The PN is ready to continue parliamentary sittings beyond the agreed date for Parliament’s summer break – 25 July – to discuss the motion before the judge’s retirement.

The PN also challenged Dr Bonnici to effect proposals made by the Justice Reform Commission on the way judges are appointed.

Minister Bonnici appeals for maturity in cases involving members of the judiciary

Justice Minister Owen Bonnici has urged the Opposition to be mature in issues involving the judiciary.

“The Opposition knows very well that this sector is a delicate one and should be mature and not resort to puerile and partisan remarks.

“The system the present government has adopted in terms of judiciary appointments is the same one which was used by past governments.

“The Opposition is aware that Mr Justice Lino Farrugia Sacco, who is undergoing impeachment proceedings, kickstarted proceedings in a bid to fight for his rights.

“The government felt that as was done in the past, once issues of human rights have cropped up, the best option is to see that such issues are resolved before other decisions are taken in parliament,” Dr Bonnici said.

Malta Independent report on minister's comments


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