The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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Blogs & Opinions

Public service

Monday, 26 March 2018, 07:50 Last update: about 7 years ago Alfred Sant

What meaning does it still have – to be in the public service? Put a bracket around politics, which in its best mode, also forms part of the public service. But there are those who without...

Putin, Xi Jinping and Huntington

Monday, 26 March 2018, 07:24 Last update: about 7 years ago Simon Mercieca

Once again last week, we had two important events on the international scene. The first was Putin’s electoral victory. The second was Xi Jinping’s speech at the end of the National...

Bad Passion Week for Pilate

Sunday, 25 March 2018, 10:43 Last update: about 7 years ago Noel Grima

It was the week when the Passion Week symbolism caught up with Malta’s present with a vengeance. The culprit, of course, was Pilate, or rather Pilatus – better known for washing his hands...

A time-bomb called Pilatus

Sunday, 25 March 2018, 08:39 Last update: about 7 years ago Carmel Cacopardo

The Pilatus Bank saga has the potential to develop into much more than damage to the country's reputation. Earlier this week it was revealed that Pilatus chairman Ali Sadr Hasheminejad was, as result...

A fine line

Sunday, 25 March 2018, 08:26 Last update: about 7 years ago Charles Flores

As the pieces of shrapnel continue to whizz past our ears from the on-going Facebook bombshell involving a shady British firm, Cambridge Analytica, that has mined private information from no less than...

Get a Life

Saturday, 24 March 2018, 09:23 Last update: about 7 years ago Rachel Borg

The first curtain has come down on the infamous Pilatus Bank.  Chairman, Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad, is now under arrest in the USA on charges of money laundering and other related infringements to...

Pilatus Bank chairman's arrest

Friday, 23 March 2018, 11:42 Last update: about 7 years ago Francis Zammit Dimech

In his weekly Vlog on the Malta Independent, MEP Francis Zammit Dimech speaks about the arrest of Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad, the chairman of Malta-registered Pilatus Bank. Zammit Dimech said that it...


Friday, 23 March 2018, 09:48 Last update: about 7 years ago Owen Bonnici

Freedom is not an easy word. It is hard to obtain freedom, and an even harder quest to manage it. With freedom come huge rights and huge responsibilities.  But as big as the challenges...

'Racists and xenophobes’

Thursday, 22 March 2018, 08:56 Last update: about 7 years ago David Stellini

This is how the Prime Minister called those who aired their views soon after the unfortunate death of a young lad in Paceville. It is exactly how most leavers were labelled by some remainers ahead of...

Insurance services

Thursday, 22 March 2018, 07:55 Last update: about 7 years ago Alfred Sant

I was surprised recently by a gesture from European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis. He wrote to thank me for an intervention I had made in his presence some time ago. It was about...

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