The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Former Minister Says Joseph Muscat will work in the country’s best interests

Malta Independent Thursday, 6 May 2004, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

Speaking at a gathering, Dr Moran expressed his confidence in Joseph Muscat’s capabilities and described him as one of the most capable candidates standing for this election.

The former health minister said that the Labour candidate has a huge responsibility to shoulder.

“You will have to work to maximise the advantages of European Union membership and to minimise disadvantages. You will have to do so in the best tradition of Labour,” he told Joseph Muscat.

Another endorsement came from the Head of the Department of Public Policy within the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy at the University of Malta, Professor Godfrey Pirotta. Prof. Pirotta, who tutored Joseph during his university years, described him as a determined person who always achieved his goals.

He said that history shows that the Nationalist Party had not worked in the country’s best interests in the past.

“We must be wise enough not to trust these kinds of people. Instead, we should give a vote of confidence to candidates such as Joseph Muscat, who are committed to work for the best benefit of the country.”

Popular broadcaster Fr Colin Apap also showed his support for Joseph Muscat. He said that Muscat is the much-needed new face of the workers’ movement in our country. Joseph, he said, is one of those people capable of working in constantly changing political circumstances.

During the gathering, those present collected Lm100 which was donated to Fr Colin, whose chapel at Hal Mula had been robbed the night before.

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