The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Court: Four Years, three months jail for stabbing partner

Malta Independent Thursday, 30 September 2010, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

A notorious criminal, who was previously convicted 28 times, was jailed for four years and three months after pleading guilty to causing his partner serious injuries through stabbing her.

The prosecution told The Malta Independent it will be appealing the judgement to seek a longer term, although details could not be disclosed.

The case goes back to 6 February, 2004 when an argument broke out between Antoine (known as David) Monsigneur, 39, and his partner, Angela Borg at around 7.15pm at the flat they shared in Bugibba.

In her testimony a couple of weeks after the incident, Ms Borg told the court she had been living with her partner for six months when an argument broke out because he had lost some €70. He beat her, followed her down the stairs and out in the street. As she stepped back inside, he stabbed her with a knife he had in his pocket. She sustained several injuries to the breast, backside and finger. Monsigneur then drove her to the Mosta Health Centre for treatment. She needed 23 stitches.

The string of charges Monsigneur faced included irregular possession of a weapon, corrupting a witness, resisting police officers, driving recklessly without a road licence and insurance policy, jumping a red light and relapsing.

Taking the witness stand again last year, Ms Borg explained the wounds were still visible although she was receiving no treatment for them.

Medical expert Andrew Borg, who had examined Ms Borg, said the woman had several serious stab wounds to her body which were compatible with knife wounds.

Monsigneur only admitted to the offences last month.

In handing down judgement, Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera noted that the accused had been convicted by the courts for serious crimes 28 times. The offences included aggravated theft, causing voluntary damage, heroin possession, resisting public officials, causing serious injuries and disobeying police orders. Over the years, he had been conditionally discharged several times, was put on probation, ordered to pay fines, was given a suspended sentence and was even sentenced to serve several years in prison.

The court therefore noted it could not give the impression that Monsigneur’s latest crime was a one off, and felt the case should be addressed seriously for the criminal to understand this. Moreover, his guilty plea could not be taken into consideration because it was registered at a late stage and during the interim, he did not

cooperate with the police.

Besides the four years, three months’ prison term, his driving licence was suspended for two years because he had previous similar criminal convictions.

The court also ordered Monsigneur not to speak to Angela Borg against a guarantee of €1,000, for a one-year period. Police Superintendent Carmelo Bartolo and Inspector Joseph Mercieca prosecuted. Dr Leslie Cuschieri appeared for Monsigneur.

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