The Malta Independent 10 February 2025, Monday
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They said it here... (part 7)

Monday, 13 January 2025, 08:00 Last update: about 28 days ago

The Malta Independent on Sunday carried several interviews during the course of last year. Here are some of the more meaningful quotes

"(Trump's) election is likely to intensify calls within EU circles for the establishment of a European Armed Forces."-  Policy consultant Brendan Zerafa, 10 November

"It is unacceptable that the capital expenditure for Gozo keeps dropping year after year, when we have roads in a disastrous state in Gozo." - PN MP Alex Borg, 10 November

"The recommendations of the Sofia inquiry are being studied, and some have already been implemented, so that the sector can function more efficiently and sustainably." - BCA CEO Roderick Bonnici, 17 November

"That people expect the best standards from its representatives is something they have a right to expect, and I think that it has to be given." - Labour Party president Alex Sciberras, 17 November

"In Malta, a lot of people associate forensic with homicides. But it is not only that. Homicide is just one part of our work." - Police Inspector Charlot Casha, 17 November

"While degrees and diplomas aren't everything, formal education is a "crucial knowledge base without which, everything will collapse, as everything in fact did" - Mario Thomas Vassallo, head of Department of Policy, Politics and Governance in the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy at the University of Malta, 24 November

"The human condition generally seems to be imperfectly engineered. Call it original sin, call it inherent fallibility, I am more shocked when I encounter perfection than amazed when I encounter its absence." - Judge Giovanni Bonello, 24 November

"A number of (over-capacity) bottlenecks were created... some of which can be fixed through effort, while others, 'only divine intervention' can solve them." - Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association president Tony Zahra, 24 November

"Local councils should have an enforcement arm and should have a greater say on major planning applications." - Naxxar mayor Chris Deguara, 24 November

"The government took the decision to help the growers to try and save the local genotypes present in Malta, but also help the growers by giving them these types of trees, available for the local market" - chief scientific officer of the Plant Protection Directorate (PPD), Matthew Tabone, 1 December

"Clayton Bartolo's position as a member of Parliament is, at this stage, also untenable". What people want, he said, is for Malta to become a 'normal country' - Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami, 1 December

"HIV diagnoses in Malta keep rising with the rate being one of the highest in Europe. A main reason for this is the lack of provision of free PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) and PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) medications." - Marc Buhagiar, the president of Checkpoint Malta, an HIV awareness NGO, 1 December

 "It is a reality that this year, our fishermen unfortunately caught only one-third of the haul that they usually catch, so in terms of numbers, it was really low and was quite worrying." - PS  for Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Animal Rights Alicia Bugeja Said, 8 December

"As part of the training, we teach people the proper technique to swim and preserve stamina, which genuinely makes a big difference." - St John Malta Operations Commissioner Christopher Borg Cardona, 8 December

"There needs to be a culture change (on use of public transport) and you do not bring a culture change overnight. There needs to be political leadership in this culture change" - urban planner and an academic at the University of Malta, John Ebejer, 15 December

"We need to change the way politics is done. Frustration with traditional methods of politics is real, and I want to set an example of a better approach." - Labour MEP Thomas Bajada, 15 December

"In an employee-driven market, employees choose employers not just for money, but for the whole work life balance aspect" - Principal Permanent Secretary Tony Sultana, 22 December

"Households are increasingly rethinking their waste disposal habits, contributing to a 31.5% decrease in the rate of black bags that ended up in landfills over the past decade" -  WasteServ CEO Richard Bilocca, 22 December



Part 1 was published on 1 December

Part 2 was published on 8 December

Part 3 was published on 15 December 

Part 4 was published on 22 December

Part 5 was published on 29 December 

Part 6 was published on 5 January 


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